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Interview with French Ambassador To Nepal François-Xavier Léger. || Frontline Nepal
Interview with François-Xavier Léger, French Ambassador to Nepal
लेखक अमर न्यौपानेसंग मनका कुरा । अहिलेसम्म नखोलेका रहस्यहरु :
Speech in Human Rights by french Ambassador of Nepal
LINKFEST 2019: Facing our Time at Kathmandu
Nepal Embassy Paris
Study during/after COVID-2020? Australian Ambassador to Nepal speaks (नेपाली विधार्थीले हेर्नैपर्ने)
चन्द्रागिरिमा भेटिए अर्का रवि लामिछाने !! केपी ओलिलाई यसो भने :
Interview: Australian Ambassador to Nepal Peter Budd
French Ambassador Interview
Bodhi TV : Interview : Sri Lankan Ambassador to Nepal WS Pereira